Case studies clusters

Northern cluster

The territories are characterised by the Continental and Atlantic biogeographical regions and risks related to floods, sea level rise, and landslides. The impacts of climate change affect sectors such as urban planning, water, and infrastructure. Overall, they have a higher maturity and knowledge regarding climate change, higher political support and started to target climate change resilience financing.

Belgium (Flanders Region)

Flanders is one of the most densely populated regions in Europe whilst characterized by an extremely high spatial…

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France (Upper-Rhine Region)

The territories are characterised by the Continental and Atlantic biogeographical regions and risks related to floods, sea level…

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Southern Cluster

All territories are mainly from the Mediterranean biogeographical region characterised by dramatic and increasing heatwaves and droughts events, impacts and damages to agricultural economies, forest fires, and lack of water availability that represent a specificity of these contexts. At the city level, urban heat islands generate a loss in well-being conditions and health problems to the high percentage of elder populations, another specific feature of these areas. The main barriers to financing resilience seem linked not to scarce resources availability but more to limited dimensions of internal structures and a small number of public servants skilled in funding opportunities dedicated to catching financial resources and implementing and multiplying funded actions.

Italy (Lombardia region)

All territories are mainly from the Mediterranean biogeographical region characterised by dramatic and increasing heatwaves and droughts events,…

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Portugal (Porto Region)

The three Portuguese municipalities are geographically located in the country's North region and, although very distinctive, maintain strong…

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Spain (Province of Ávila)

It faces different problems related to climate change, with more importance on drought, due to its position in…

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Estern Cluster

Eastern territories are characterized mainly by the Alpine and Pannonian biogeographical contexts, with floods and heat waves as climate change risks. All territories lack municipality staff and general qualified human resources for planning and implementation of resilience projects, as well as maturity regarding climate change and the necessity to adapt.

Czech Republic (Region Bohemia)

The Czech Republic, a land-locked country with a climate transitional between an oceanic and a continental climate is…

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Romania (Centru region)

Eastern territories are characterized mainly by the Alpine and Pannonian biogeographical contexts, with floods and heat waves as…

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Slovenia (Podravska region)

As the second most populated region in Slovenia covering 11% of the national territory, it includes 34 governmentally…

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