Case Description

As the second most populated region in Slovenia covering 11% of the national territory, it includes 34 governmentally independent municipalities ranging from the Municipality of Maribor (MOM), second the biggest municipality in Slovenia (the economic, administrative, educational, and cultural centre of the region), to smaller rural municipalities, and generates 12.7% of the national GDP. Geographically region consists of two very different parts, covering the area of cultivated plains along the Drava River and heavily forested hills belonging to sub-alpine mountains, reflecting a wide variety of climate vulnerability and adaptive capacities. In 2020, the employment rate was 60.7 %, with 17 % of persons in employment working outside the region of residence. The regional adaptation strategy is under preparation and will be finished in 2023, with identified most vulnerable sectors being water and infrastructure. Recently municipalities involved signed the Covenant of Mayors initiative. The primary financing sources are municipal budgets, Cohesion, Environmental Public Fund, and private funding through a public-private partnership. The main barriers are lack of human resources, knowledge to translate theory into practice, awareness of climate issues, and political will.

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