
WP1 Stocktake, understand and capitalise

D1.1 Adaptation Investment Landscape

D1.2 Scoping study for the One Stop Shop and e-learning platform

D1.3 Taskforce of Innovation Management

WP2 Build capacities, project pipeline and resilient investment strategies

D2.1 Capacity building package for Public Authorities and Financing and Investment Entities

D2.2 Guidance on the role of Financing and Investment Entities to reduce the climate resilience financing gap

D2.3 Methodology to build an investment strategy

D2.4 E-learning platform

WP3 Build roadmaps for reaching investment plans

D3.1 Guidelines to build investment plans

D3.2 Guidance on suitable Incentive Mechanisms

WP4 Pilot solutions on 4 leader territories

D4.1 Report on Financing and Investment Entities’ path for accelerating resilience finance

D4.2 Report on tested Investment Concepts, Incentive Mechanisms and Adaptation Financing and Funding Solutions

D4.3 Guidelines for Public Authorities for leveraging finance

D4.5 Local Resilience Taskforce informally established for relevant territories

D4.6 Workshop for Local Resilience Taskforces

WP5 Upscale, replication and exploitation

D5.1 Guidelines to create and expand the Local Resilience Taskforces

D5.2 European webinars

D5.3 CLIMATEFIT One Stop Shop platform final release

D5.4 Formulation, consolidation and scaling up the eight Local Resilience Taskforces

D5.5 CLIMATEFIT One Stop platform final scoping study

WP6 Communication and dissemination

D6.1 Draft white paper for policy makers and practitioners

D6.2 Communication and Dissemination Plan first draft

Communication Materials

Best practices poster

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Slide deck

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Taskforce of Innovation Management Brochure

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Public Authority Brochure

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Financing and Investment Entities Brochure

Download File

20 Best practices

We performed in-depth research of 20 international best practices of innovative adaptation funding and financing solutions (AFFS). Each case offers an inspirational example of successfully raising financial resources for climate adaptation or other climate measures. We analysed the local context, the governance and organisational structure, the business model and financial model, successes and limitations, and conditions for transferability. Being a best practice from a financial perspective does not guarantee the cases are a best practice from other perspectives (e.g., justice or socio-economic impacts). We advise to read the ‘Methodology and lessons learned’ report for a description of the research methodology and limitations, and a comparative analysis of successes and limitations in the 20 best practices. The reports on this page are complementary to Deliverable 1.1: Adaptation Investment Landscape. The complete best practice reports and the methodology and lessons learned report can be downloaded from this page.

Methodology and lessons learned

01 Greater Cape Town Water Fund

02 Clean Water Partnership

03 Cloudburst Management Plan

04 EcoMarkets Australia

05 Nice Green Nagoya

06 Groenfonds Midden Delfland

07 Washinton SRC Trading program

08 Resilient Hampton

09 Paris Climate Bond

10 Flood buyouts

11 Sheffield Lower Don Valley

12 Dorset Heathlands

13 Project Finance for Permanence

14 Reserva Particular do Patrimonio Natural Municipal

15 Seychelles Debt for Nature Swap

16 Viveracqua Hydrobond

17 Wetland Mitigation Banking Program

18 Gothenburg Green Bonds

19 Bilboa flood district

20 Edwards Aquifer Protection Program