
SustainAdvisory (SA) is a specialized ESG data and capital market service provider. SA is recognised as an External Reviewer to perform independent Assurance or Second Party Opinion on the compliance of green, social and sustainable bonds issued under ICMA (International Capital Market Association) voluntary guidelines that recommend transparency and disclosure and promote integrity in the development of the green bond market. Between 2021 and 2023 SustainAdvisory acted as Approved Verifier/assurance provider also for Climate Bond Initiative (CBI) global scheme. SustainAdvisory consults on the integration of climate and environmental risks on credit and risk management frameworks for financial and non-financial corporates. SA developed a proprietary ESG Data platform for Climate risks indicators (physical and transition risks) for Italy. SA’s founding partners have long standing careers in finance and capital markets; they participate in various national and EU working committees focusing on sustainability matters (CNDCEC – Consiglio Nazionale Dottori Commercialisti ed Espert Contabili, to Consulting Working Group to ESMA’s Sustainability Standing Committee.)

Role in the project

SA will mobilise and mainstream climate resilience in financing solutions and investment portfolios, by first expanding the existing solutions and products of Financing and Investment Entities, then by identifying new opportunities in their investment/financing pipeline, and finally by integrating climate resilience perspectives into credit/financial scoring and assessment criteria to internalise and appropriately reward climate-resilient investment.

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