
Bergamo, a medium-sized city in northern Italy, comprises the Upper Town on hills (Città Alta) and the vibrant financial, industrial Lower Town (Città Bassa), separated by UNESCO-listed Venetian Walls. With a population of 120,000 (350,000 in the conurbation), Bergamo hosts a growing university, Kilometro Rosso science park, and a history of environmental initiatives. Notably, the Covenant of Mayors accession in 2009 led to the Sustainable Energy Action Plan. Bergamo is intensifying climate change integration, renewing its commitment, and developing a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan by 2023. Additionally, Bergamo has been selected by the European Commission as one of the 100 European cities for the Mission Carbon Neutral & Smart Cities, which aims to achieve climate neutrality by 2030. This aligns with the city's broader commitment, demonstrated through the implementation of the Climate Transition Strategy developed during the project 'Cli.c Bergamo!' in 2020.

Role in the project

BERGAMO represents the Italian planner case study.

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