
Alba Iulia Municipality is the local public administration focused on the sustainable development and well-being of its local community formed by 74.000 inhabitants, by providing modern public services. The current vision of the Municipality is to become a more attractive city to live, work, and invest in, by achieving four strategic objectives: 1) Alba Iulia, a Smart, accessible, and cohesive city, 2) Alba Iulia, a Green City with efficient public services, 3) Alba Iulia, a Competitive and Creative city and 4) Alba Iulia, a European Cultural, and Tourist Attraction. The implementation of all actions and projects of the Municipality are following the existing development strategies (link here), which include the General Urban Planning, the Integrated Strategy for Urban Development 2021-2030, the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan revised in 2022, the Action Plan for Sustainable Energy and Climate 2030, the Energy Efficiency Improvement program and many other relevant studies and reports such as Alba Iulia - towards a city for people and culture (link here).

Role in the project

Alba lulia municipality represents the Romanian leader case study.

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